Last time —Gloriana informed Layla that her unborn baby will hold the power of both the sirens and the incubi—a power the world has never seen. The siren leader hopes to use the baby and its power to protect her coven. Layla has other plans. Check out the story so far!
Story: Joanne Starer, Art: Khary Randolph
Letters: Deron Bennett and AndWorld Design
Thus ends Chapter 2 of Sirens of the City! Pretty good cliffhanger, right? Just like before, Sirens will be taking a short hiatus. But never fear, more comics are on the way. A Way From Here is right around the corner, and let me tell you, this next chapter is really kicking things into high gear! If you need a reminder on where things are at, catch up on Chapter 1 now so you’re ready to go!
Khary was among a number of artists recently interviewed by Fox 5 News on behalf of THE ARTIST'S EXPERIENCE: FROM BROTHERMAN TO BATMAN art exhibit currently at the Society of Illustrators until the end of the month. Shouts to Shawn Martinbrough and Karama Horne, who curated a fantastic event showcasing some of the top black artists in the industry.
Sirens is a labor of love for everyone at Glass Eye, and we appreciate you all so much for the continued support. As always, Sirens of the City is 100% free. But if you’d like even more content from us, upgrade your subscription below.
Just eat the soup!
And I wish I could see that exhibit. Very cool.