We’ve been putting out A Way From Here a few pages per week for the last couple months, but this is the first time it’s been collected in one easy-to-read file. It’s our gift to you, 100% free of charge. Just click on the link below.
A Way From Here will be on hiatus for a little bit, but fret not. We’ll still have weekly comics headed to your inbox nonstop!
Next week sees the return of fan-favorite Sirens of the City, from Joanne and Khary. And we guarantee you are not in ready for what we have in store. If you need to catch up on what has happened previously, you can read Chapter 1 right here. Until then, here’s a little sneak peak of what’s to come.
As with AWFR, we’ll be putting all the main story pages up for free. All you have to do is subscribe for the free option, and it will come straight to your inbox, no strings attached. We were given a grant to do this work, and we've decided to use this platform to empower creators and communities that don't always have a voice. For as long as we can afford to, we will continue this work.
BUT. There is bonus content that will be available for paid subscribers. (Hey, the grant money only goes so far.) So if you like what we do, and you want more of it, you have options. If you can’t afford a subscription right now or just want to take a look, click that little button that says “none” when it asks you to subscribe.