Tomorrow is Election Day. It’s also my birthday. As you can imagine, these two things have coincided more than once in my lifetime…as if birthdays aren’t stressful enough. The first time I remember it happening, I was in third grade. Every time someone had a birthday, the teacher would write their name on the board: “Happy birthday, Leslie!” “Happy birthday, Sam!” On November 8, I walked into class with my giant box of cupcakes to see “Happy Election Day!” staring back at me in giant chalk writing.
But hey, that was nothing compared to 2016. What do you want for your birthday, Joanne? The fall of democracy?? Obviously I knew it was going to be a rough day, and I was prepared. I went, by myself, to Sleep No More, an immersive theater experience in New York where you’re not allowed to use cell phones. I figured I’d have 3 hours of distraction where I wouldn’t be frantically checking the news. And when I walked into the building, EVERYTHING SEEMED FINE. Then I came out at the end of the night, and oops. The world had gone to shit.
So for my birthday this year, I just want you to vote. (And look, if you want to upgrade your subscription to our newsletter, I won’t complain.) But vote, please. Because I don’t want to spend another birthday crying because the monsters have taken control.
Anyway, I don’t want to be a TOTAL BUMMER so please enjoy these videos of me smashing shit in a princess dress to relieve some birthday stress.
Oh, and wish a happy birthday to white guy extraordinaire, Chris Burnham. We share our special, stressful day. Tell him I sent you. He’ll hate that.
Stay tuned for more A Way From Here this Friday!
Voted! Happy birthday! Office Space has nothing on you.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (to you, not Chris Burnham)